Just a quick note with regards to the changes in the earning of points - not all changes are bad!! CBA has introduced some changes - they now have a diamond credit card - an even higher points limit than their platinum card!!
Also Qantas are introducing enhancements to the program - it does pay to skim through the monthly emails that they send to see if there is anything that will assist you in climbing the FF ladder!! Jetstar are introducing new fares so you can pay a small amount and earn FF points. They also have a change to the loyalty bonus!
Remember, whether you are using your points for small trips, or saving for the bigger trip - the further in advance you can plan, the more likely you are to get the seat. Flexibility is also important - having a couple of choices for dates of travel will give you a greater chance of getting the trip you want.
Bon Voyage - safe and happy travels!!! :-)
PS: a bit about beating jet-lag coming soon to my other blog - http://www.vickis-tips.blogspot.com/.